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Why Are You In Business?

By 17 February 2015 July 19th, 2021 No Comments


We recently asked 100 owner-managers the following questions. Their answers might surprise you!

Are you in business simply to earn a living 41%
or are you passionately interested in what you do? 59%

Do you want to expand into a global empire 27%
or simply to securely fund the life style you have or aspire to? 73%

Do you see your business as the beginnings of a family dynasty, to be handed down the generations 18%
or as an asset to be sold to fund your retirement? 82%

Which is more important to you – your brand 63%
or your personal status? 37%

Do you really enjoy managing managers 26%
or does your job satisfaction come from being actively involved at the sharp end? 74%